Sunday, October 10, 2010

A brief history of me...

Holy cows. As it would turn out, revealing the truth of tickling causes a space-time fluctuation, in which time cannot manifest itself in the same chronological patterns. I posted the conclusion to the previous post and left the computer, quite astonished to find myself 30 some odd years in the future.

Excited as anyone could be, I ran back to my room to grab some things to go out and explore the new world! As I got there, everything seemed to be back in 2010...

I went to my computer and saw that the post was still in the edit screen, and hadn't yet been posted. So, I posted it again. I walked out the door again and everything became very strange. There were knights fighting super advanced alien looking space men! I didn't even know where I was at that point. I turned around and my room was gone!

Up was down, down was somehow sideways; I didn't have a clue where to go. I did my best to exactly back track my steps. This became increasingly difficult when I had to reach behind me (which was in front of me,) to grab the door knob (which I was standing on,) to open the door (Which WAS me.) But I did it. I got back to my room.

I saw my computer and saw the same thing again... the editing screen, before it was posted.

I started to take the hint. This time I left without posting it, but too my dismay, my world was still anything but casual. Things seems less hectic at first. Beyond the shimmering goop falling up the vibrant electric explosions that seemed to be happening in every possible location, things seemed reasonably calm. But as I got further away from my room, things stopped being things, not everything was going in the same direction in time, it seemed nothing more then a mass of colors, sounds, tastes, textures, smells, and a few other senses that don't have names.

I was caught in time. In a place like this there isn't even a concept for direction, for before, or after, or even things happening at all. For what seemed like eons, I muscled through trenches of directionless momentums pushing against anything I choose to do. Though in literal time it must have been moments, in a place with no (or rather, VERY little) time, to the casual observer of a higher rate time, it seems like a literal eternity.

I got back.

At this point, I'm not fooling around. I instantly deleted the text and closed the browser. It's been one week since I did that. Time has not completely fallen back into perfect alignment, which is why I'm so late on posting.

Anyway, back to you Sheryll!

Thank you. When we return, can a small baby rabbit really have the strength to pick up a burning half-ton car to save it's own mother?