Wednesday, March 24, 2010

How it Started

I suppose I should introduce myself. However, I'm not going to. This isn't because I don't want people to know who I am, but rather because I think it will destroy some of the mystery. I can't give away the ending before it's even started.
It has started... NOW! Ok, I still can't REALLY introduce myself. Giving away the ending just as it's started would just be bad story telling.
"What is it all about?" you might ask. It's all about discovery, love, hope, death, but mostly Coca Cola and pot. The exciting life of such a person as I can scarcely be handled without a little aid from some kind of inebriation.
Let's more appropriately start with a story. This one time my girlfriend and I found a rock. Now, one may say that there are rocks EVERYWHERE, and they may just have a pretty good point. However, this was no ordinary rock... This was a ROCK. Given, we may have been on a slightly heavy dose of mushrooms in Las Vegas, walking along a path of near infinite splendor, lights, and falling trees. This is when we met this rock. We both literally stopped when we saw this rock. There was no doubt in either of our minds that it was, indeed, a rock. It was such a rock, in fact, that we both had definitive proof in our minds as to the absolute existence of rocks. Perhaps we saw the rock god. Who knows? The tricky part about this whole thing was that I was unaware of my deniability for such objects. I had no idea that I had never really seen what I would absolutely call 'a rock'. You can take my word for it, though. They do in fact exist. We saw one outside of the Luxor Hotel. I wish we would've got a name...

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